"I worked with Michael Chapin who developed the energy modeling and oversaw the construction work. I challenge anyone to find a better looking installation than what him and his crew performed. Our Southern California hotels operate 24/7 and we need to be energy wise for the environment and maximize cost savings.


I rely on Connor Energy to assist in making our opeations as cost-effective as possible. Great people and great customer service. Most importantly, I have gone several months now with not having to pay an electric bill! I always encourage people to do their own research to determine what’s best for them. That being said, I would highly recommend starting with Connor Energy."

                           - Marco Gastelo, Executive Director – Petersen Properties, Kings Inn Hotels

About us

City of South El Monte, CA - Renwewable Energy, Solar PV for city facilties (Completed Summer 2016)


Connor Energy secured a $2.3 million low interest (1%) loan from the California Energy Commission along with California Solar Initiative Rebates (no longer available) on behalf of the City of South El Monte.  The construction of the project included specialty design carport structures located near City Hall, and rooftop solar at City Hall. The challenge was to develop a combination of rooftop solar and carport solar to offset the City's energy consumption without any cost to City's general fund.  The project was completed without the expenditure of any City funds and is expected to save the City over $8 million dollars over the 30 year period.

City of Kerman, CA- Kerman, CA (Kings County) - The City of Kerman has installed two ground mounted solar arrays totaling approximately 1.2 Mega-watts of energy.  The Connor Energy team worked with the ESCO provider to facilitate a power purchase agreement that allowed the City to develop the solar array with no capital expense, and simply purchase the renewable energy generated from the solar PV system over the next 25 years.  Through the power purchase agreement the City will be purchasing energy at or below current utility rates, and is expected to save nearly $5 million over the next 25 year period.  The second and final phase of the project was completed early 2018.

Lamont Public Utility District - Lamont, CA (Kern County) - 1MW+ Ground-mounted Renwewable energy solar photovoltaic for water treatment facilties (Completed 2016).  Connor Energy secured nearly $3.0 million low interest (1%) funds from the California Energy Commission.  THe project begins savings the District money as soon as it's energized.  Two seperate meters were installed, with one meter designed to virtually offest the electric generation charge from the District's various pump sites (without having to install solar arrays at each pump/well site).  Energy savings from the project repay the financing each year with a 25 year savings estimated at $9 million. 

Kings Inn Hotels - Southern California (San Diego & Orange Counties) - Renwewable energy solar photovoltaic and cool white roof systems (Completed 2018 - Present). 


Connor Energy secured property assessed clean energy (PACE) financings for the southern california hotel facilites installing energy efficient roofing and renewable energy with rooftop mounted solar photovoltaics.  The Kings Inn Anaheim facilitity invested in energy efficient improvements for hotel guest rooms and installed energy saving property measures that scored a 100 out of 100 on the 2019 and 2020 annual energy benchmarching Energy Star Report


Connor Energy is focused on working with California public agencies to identify and capitalize on energy savings opportunities.  Many California Public Agencies, such as cities, special districts, and public schools could create new sources of revenue simply by reducing the energy costs that they are currently spending.   Based in Southern California, our company principals have extensive history working with public agencies developing complex financial solutions related to the development of public infrastructure, public schools and public improvements.  Over the past few years, as the fiscal state of affairs for local governments tightened with a tougher economy and new state regulations, Connor Energy saw opportunity in developing new revenues for local governments by creating energy savings streams from innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.


"Our mission is to become our clients most trusted energy resource by delivering true energy savings and energy

performance results through efficiently engineered energy solutions."

When it comes to experience, Connor Energy has a diverse resume.  Our team has engineered, designed, developed, financed, and serviced commercial sized renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.  Connor Energy’s leadership is comprised of seasoned industry professionals who are actively engaged in public speaking events educating public agency officials and professionals in energy efficiency and renewable energy designed for local governments.